
  • 2 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Having Custom Kitchen Cabinets Installed

    For your upcoming major remodeling project of your home's kitchen, you may have decided that you would like to have kitchen cabinets custom-made according to your own design. While you may have some idea of particular details you wish to have included, you may not yet have the full picture of what you want for your kitchen cabinets. Before you start coming up with a full design to take to the contractor, you should first sit down and think about how you currently use your kitchen.
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  • 3 Home Remodeling Projects To Improve Desert Living

    After living in a desert home for several months or years, you may know some of your property's strengths and weaknesses. While you may love the property, you might notice that some of its weaknesses are related to a lack of features or qualities related to desert living. A viable solution is to hire a home remodel service for a few projects that improve life in a desert climate. Insulation
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  • Upgrading Your Home With A New Custom Patio Cover

    If you are wanting to make the most of your home's patio space, the installation of a custom cover can be an upgrade to consider. These patio covers are capable of providing occupants of the patio with shelter and shade so that they can better enjoy their time outside. A Patio Cover Does Not Have To Impair Air Flow One of the reasons that individuals may enjoy using the patio is due to the fresh air that they can get in this space.
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  • Basement Waterproofing | Everything You Need To Know

    A wet basement is a homeowner's nightmare. It is a health hazard and can lead to extensive damage to your home's foundation and structural integrity. If you suspect your basement is wet or even damp, the first step is to determine the cause. Once the cause is identified, you can then take steps to remediate the problem. In some cases, waterproofing your basement may be the best solution. What Causes Wet Basements?
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  • 4 Reasons You Should Not Postpone Foundation Repairs

    As a homeowner, you probably address repairs that seem critical and major and ignore the rest. For example, if a damaged faucet sprinkles water everywhere, you would quickly contact a plumber. Since foundation damage is typically hidden, you might take some time before you discover the problem and seek repairs. So, what could go wrong when foundation damage is left unaddressed for a long time? The following are reasons to call a general contractor for timely repair services.
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  • Improving Your Home's Exterior With Vinyl Siding

    Going through the process of installing vinyl siding on your home's exterior is a project that you may have been considering undertaking for some time. Becoming more informed about the benefits that vinyl siding will offer and the process that is involved with adding it to a home can be essential in assisting you throughout this process. Vinyl Siding Offers More Than Cosmetic Value To Your Home A major benefit of adding vinyl siding to your home will be that it can substantially improve the appearance of the house.
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  • What Types Of Patio Enclosures Are Available For My Home?

    When the weather is nice out, you might want to spend all day out on the patio. However, when the weather conditions are less ideal, you can still enjoy your patio, if you install a patio enclosure. There are several to choose from based on the needs of your household.  Screen Enclosures A patio enclosure can have screens installed to protect you and your guests from bugs. The screen does not stop airflow so you can still enjoy the fresh air and cool off.
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  • A Guide To Basic Stucco Repair

    Stucco is one of the most common and reliable finishes for exterior surfaces. Since, it's affordable, durable, and easy to maintain, stucco is great for residential and commercial buildings. Homeowners and DIYers are especially fond of stucco because it is easy to paint and repaint over the years. While stucco can maintain its texture for decades, it can get damaged. Scratches, dents, and dings can occur along the lower walls of your exterior over the years and you may need to do some spot repair.
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  • When Should You Hire A Home Roofing Contractor To Inspect A Roof?

    Having regular roof inspections completed is one of the best ways to ensure that your roof lasts as long as it is designed to and decrease the need for large, unexpected repairs. A home roofing contractor can look for signs of damage or problems during a roof inspection, and then correct those issues. However, many homeowners have no idea when they should have a roof inspection completed. Here are a few scenarios in which you should hire a roofing contractor for a residential roof inspection.
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  • How Do You Temporarily Repair Alligator Cracks In An Asphalt Driveway?

    Alligator cracks are a network of small, joined cracks on an asphalt surface that look like an alligator's scales. The presence of alligator cracks on a driveway is concerning since they're caused by the gravel base underneath the driveway shifting. The weight of a vehicle will press the asphalt down into the gaps left open by the fallen gravel, which will cause it to bend and crack apart. The way to permanently fix them is to replace your entire asphalt driveway since that's the only method of repairing the gravel base and making it stable again.
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